Money macOS

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Transactions are the key element of Money. They reflect your real-life income and expenses and change the balances of your accounts.

Money has three types of transactions::
Expense – money leaves the account;
Income – money is added to the account;
Transfer – money is transferred from one account to the other.

Note: to get more information about or edit a transaction, click the Details button on the right side of the transaction in the list, it will open the transaction information popover.
To see more transactions with the same payee or category, click the Details button beside the payee or category right in the workspace or within the transaction popover.

Adding transaction
If you have a bank connection set up, Money will download your transactions automatically, simply go to the account you wish to update, and click the Download Transactions button to get the latest available transactions.
To add transactions by hand:

  1. Select an account in the sidebar;
  2. Click the Add button on the top right corner of the workspace or ctrl + click any transaction in the list and select New Transaction;
  3. Enter the transaction information:
    • Payee – select from the list of nearby payees based on your location or start typing a name and see if it appears on the list. If the payee is not on the list, click the Add button in the list to add a new payee. You can later edit this in Preferences > Payees;
    • Amount – type in the necessary amount;
    • Date – indicate the date of the transaction;
    • Category – Money will suggest a category for known payees automatically. To change it, click the category field right on the transaction or in the transaction popover;
    • Notes and Tags – Enter relevant notes and assign tags to the transaction, so you can find it easily later, or generate reports based on tags. To indicate a word as a tag, type # before it;
    • Transaction type or currency – if you want to change a transaction type (income/expense), click the Details button on the right side of the transaction in the list to open the transaction popover, then click the arrow near the amount – you will be able select the type of the transaction (income/expense) and change its currency;
    • Attachment – you can link any file on your hard drive with the transaction. To do this, click the Details button to open the transaction popover, click the Notes & #Tags section and select the attachment icon – it will open a file browser. Alternatively, you can open the transaction popover, and simply drag and drop a file onto the transaction popover.

Refunds: if you are recording a refund transaction, you can mark it as a ‘refund’ in the Category section – the refund toggle is available as the topmost entry in the list. Once you mark a transaction as a refund, its amount will not add to your income or expenses but will be taken from them

Deleting transactions

  1. Ctrl + click a transaction in the workspace
  2. Select Delete

Alternatively press Backspace to delete a transaction.
Note: if you have deleted a transaction by accident, select Edit > Undo or press Cmd + Z to undo this action.

Moving transactions to other accounts

  1. Select a transaction in the workspace (press and hold Cmd to select multiple transactions);
  2. Drag the selected transactions to the appropriate account on the sidebar.

Transferring funds from one account to another
Money allows easily transferring funds to and from existing accounts. A transfer creates two transaction entries in the related accounts indicating an expense in the source account and an income in the destination account. Changes made to one of the transfer’s entries are immediately reflected on another corresponding entry.

To add a transfer:

  1. Select the appropriate account in the sidebar;
  2. Add a new transaction to the account by clicking the Add button in the workspace or ctrl + clicking and selecting New Transaction in the workspace;
  3. Scroll down in the list of categories to reach “Transfer to” or “Transfer from”;
  4. Select the appropriate account into or from which you will be transferring funds;
  5. Enter the rest of the transaction’s information.

Note: if the source and destination accounts have different currencies, Money will calculate the rate automatically, using the latest or preset rate. To see and edit rates, go to Preferences > Currency.

Splitting transactions
In certain situations, you may wish to account for multiple cash flow categories in a single transaction. Money refers to this function as a split. You can split a transaction’s total amount into different categories.

To add a split:

  1. Add a new transaction or select and existing transaction and click the Details button on the right of the workspace to invoke the transaction popover;
  2. Click the Split button to the right of the category, start editing the amount of the first category;
  3. Splits will appear as you edit each category amount until their sum is equal to the total transaction amount.

Note: a single currency must be used when splitting a transaction.

Reconciling a transaction
Although you are likely to perform reconciliation on a regular basis and compare the whole account to a bank statement, Money allows reconciling separate transactions in the workspace.

To reconcile a transaction:

  1. Find a transaction you wish to reconcile in the workspace;
  2. Click the adjacent checkbox once to mark the transaction as cleared;
  3. Click the adjacent checkbox twice to mark the transaction as reconciled.

Alternatively, ctrl + click the transaction and select Set Status.
Note: Reconciling a single transaction will change the values of the last reconciling balance and the future starting balance accordingly.

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